What This Blog Is All About

I need to be healthier. Badly. Individual efforts have not sufficed, so I'm hoping the support of friends, family, and anyone who happens along this blog can help me along.

For a fuller description of what I'm doing and how people can help, click here to read my first post.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Food Log June 2, 2009

Several people have suggested tracking what I eat, so I'll give it a shot.  Get ready for TMI!

Breakfast: whole wheat toast with peanut butter and a banana
Morning Snack: carrots
Lunch: Lean Cuisine rigatoni dish (450 calories, 50g carb)
Afternoon Snack: apple
Dinner: Salad of greens, grapes, almonds with raspberry vinaigrette; whole wheat toast with 1 slice cheddar cheese; 1 fried mozzarella stick (stolen from someone else's dinner :-))
Evening Snack: small bunch of slivered almonds
Liquid Refreshment: At least 6 glasses of water plus 2 Coke Zero's


  1. One of my favorite quotes that I have adapted a little is "a great body and a helthy life are not made in the gym, they are made in the kitchen."

    Here are some things that I do in regards to food:

    1) Once I started keeping track of what I eat on a daily basis, I was amazed to see where my calories were coming from and I was suprised how high in fat some things were (eggs, about 1/2 the calories are in egg whites, about 1/2 in the yolk. egg whites ~2% fat, yolk ~75% fat). One tool that I found useful is http://fitday.com/ which has a lot of common food and allows you to add custom foods. One thing I ended up doing was not logging dinner, if i went out as it was pretty tough but it was pretty easy during the day when I made my own breakfast, lunch and snacks. As well you can keep track of weight, exercise, weight goal etc. and the online version is free.

    2) whenever I go out to eat, I eat 1/2 or less of my meal as restaurant portions are ridiculously large. Also saves you some money since you get 2 meals out of 1.

    3) I am solidly against the Atkins diet of cuttin out carbs and still eat as much as I did before (I am a meat and potatoes kinda guy) Saying that though, one thing I found during the day is that by eating snacks high in protein, I would feel full much longer than by eating something high in carbs. One thing to watch though is some high protein foods are high in fat e.g. certain nuts. This may not work for others, but it is my personal experience.

    4) when prepating meals or snacks, it easier to make food for several days and package it up to save time and to make sure you have something healthy to eat at all times. Now that I am hitting the gym a lot, on Sunday I prepare enough omellete fixings to last me for the next 4 days. This way each morning I need to throw my fixings in the pan with some egg whites and *BAM* I am done. Nice and quick.

  2. That does not seem like enough food!!! I couldn't survive on that diet. Your food day feels like a beginner dieters day. I don't see all the protein and fiber to really make you satiated! :)

    -Elizabeth Thomas

  3. Trevor, excellent points. Any suggestions for high protein snacks?

    Well, Elizabeth, it is a beginning dieter's day. :-) I'm working on getting more protein and fiber in, but honestly I haven't felt hungry or unsatisfied yet. I'm sure that's coming, but most of my food urges right now are for taste and texture, though thankfully even those have been rare.
