What This Blog Is All About

I need to be healthier. Badly. Individual efforts have not sufficed, so I'm hoping the support of friends, family, and anyone who happens along this blog can help me along.

For a fuller description of what I'm doing and how people can help, click here to read my first post.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Exercise Log June 4, 2009

Bowled 2 games at lunch.  The low scores of 83 and 82 not only represent my skill, but also the fact that I had almost no strikes, and thus bowled more times, increasing the exercise.

I'd planned on something additional after work, but went to the eye doctor and had my eyes dilated, so that was a no-go.


  1. Yes, visits to the Dr. and after work happy hours will pop up so remember to stay flexible with your schedule. I always have had trouble with that since I feel like sometime I have to choose between exercising and hanging out with friends. But, since it is a lifestyle change, it is ok to miss a workout here and there, just not all the time. Make it up if you can, but don't kill yourself over it. A lot of people work out in the morning to make sure they do it before there are any distractions from the day.

  2. I like the morning, just not waking up. :-) Yeah, I'm not worried about missing days - that's why my commitment is only guaranteeing 5 days a week. Thanks for the advice!
