What This Blog Is All About

I need to be healthier. Badly. Individual efforts have not sufficed, so I'm hoping the support of friends, family, and anyone who happens along this blog can help me along.

For a fuller description of what I'm doing and how people can help, click here to read my first post.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Food Log July 23, 2009

Breakfast: 1/2 of a BAD bacon/egg/potato/cheese taco and a little trail mix and 2 Mr. Goodbars to clear the palate
Morning Snack: carrots and a 1/2 cup of trail mix spread throughout the day
Lunch: spinach/pecans/chicken/onions salad with cherry vinaigrette at Plank's, a bag of Baked Cheetos, and 2 Mr Goodbars
Afternoon Snack: 4 Mr Goodbars
Dinner: apple with peanut butter and LeanCuisine chicken alfredo with broccoli

Liquid Refreshment: 4 glasses of water and 3 Coke Zeros

Still way too much candy snacking - need to stop letting the run get started. On the plus side (and this is a small plus!) I've at some point on my drive home the last 2 nights decided to hit a fastfood drivethru for a late snack, and have held off from doing it both times. Small victories count too, I suppose.


  1. Holding off from a fastfood hit is NOT a small victory. It's a BIG victory. Showing yourself the ability to turn around, and walk away is huge...don't underestimate it and carry it through to other things!

  2. I agree with Scott, that is a HUGE victory and one you should definitely celebrate!!
