What This Blog Is All About

I need to be healthier. Badly. Individual efforts have not sufficed, so I'm hoping the support of friends, family, and anyone who happens along this blog can help me along.

For a fuller description of what I'm doing and how people can help, click here to read my first post.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Exercise Log July 11, 2009

So for the last several years, 7-11 has celebrated the Slurpee's "birthday" by giving out free 7.11 oz Slurpees. Yes, yes, it's a really silly marketing idea, even in the world of marketing ideas, but didn't you read the part about the free Slurpees? I wanted one, but figured I should earn it. So I biked to the nearest 7-11, at Gattis School Road@ Mays in south Round Rock.

I google-mapped the route I ended up taking, and I spent from 6:34AM (as little sun/80-degree weather as possible) to 7:18AM going 5.9 miles there, and 7:32 to 8:17 going 5.3 miles back, so I'll count it as 11 miles. Many thoughts went through my head I wanted to share:
1) I pushed a little too far. Walked the bike a lot on the return leg, especially uphill.
2) But I made it. Let's hear it for stretch goals (and we all knew it would take a Slurpee to motivate me!)! Seriously, a month and a half ago, I never would've imagined powering myself to Round Rock in any way, shape, or form.
3) Carbon-free Slurpee run! Except for the carbon in the Slurpee, the energy used to make it, ship it, and store it - but my efforts were carbon-free. Except for the carbon used to make the bike, ship it, etc. I don't think I can end up winning this point.
4) I now understand people who say they walked uphill to school both ways. Going northwest like I did is definitely uphill, so the return journey was net downhill. But the uphill parts loomed much larger in my fatigued state. So it felt like a whole big mess o uphill.
5) Dunno why, but I went in planning to buy a Slurpee in addition to the tiny freebie, but didn't feel like it. I like that even if I don't understand it.

btw last night pushed me past 100 miles walked (101, actually) since I started this little project. Round numbers please me.


  1. Nice going Charles!!!! An 1:30 of physical exertion in this weather (Mornning, noon, night or otherwise) is no joke!
