What This Blog Is All About

I need to be healthier. Badly. Individual efforts have not sufficed, so I'm hoping the support of friends, family, and anyone who happens along this blog can help me along.

For a fuller description of what I'm doing and how people can help, click here to read my first post.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Exercise Log July 4, 2009

Walked 7 miles in 2.5 hours outside (running out of hot jokes, but it's still hot) this morning. Saw more of Pflugerville than I ever have.


  1. um, more like 6.5

  2. I Google-mapped it - it was 7. Dunno if we misjudged the time or just had a better pace than we thought.

  3. nope, still going with 6.5

  4. if you remember, we cheated a bit by cutting through a couple of places.

  5. Yeah, I took the shortcuts into account, and actually used the short end of my estimates for how far we wandered down Pecan Street and other measurements. My guess is more likely towards 5-10 extra minutes on one or both sides of the walk than our pace being unusually quick.
