What This Blog Is All About

I need to be healthier. Badly. Individual efforts have not sufficed, so I'm hoping the support of friends, family, and anyone who happens along this blog can help me along.

For a fuller description of what I'm doing and how people can help, click here to read my first post.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Weigh-In August 30, 2009

331.4 pounds

Incremental Loss: 4.3 pounds
Monthly Gain: 2.9 pounds
Total Loss: 29.4 pounds

1 comment:

  1. Tomorrow is your three-month anniversary of starting this voyage. As a token of celebration, I've performed some data analysis of your journey to date. Check your email for all the fun.

    Here are some observations that came up during my analysis.

    Your net loss is trending upward for the month of August. It is not a huge trend, but definitely notable. A second, informal analysis concluded that this is largely a factor of both:
    A) a degradation in your motivation level, and
    B) Cows

    This could also be because you did not have (or at least blog about) a goal for August, while you did for the previous two months. Notably, the goal months showed progress toward the goal, and the third: floundation. (Yes, I just made that word up. Hooray, English!)

    While part of me wants to believe that you have taken your birthday celebrations to the extreme by extending them 31 days, which is where things appeared to go awry, I personally feel that the data entry has started to suck the fun out of this for you. As someone who has been down the path of monitoring personal progress via daily metrics before, I know exactly how you may be feeling.

    A suggestion: weigh yourself three times a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. No more. No less. Statistically, this will still provide you plenty of data to monitor progress over the short and long term. This will also take some of the sting out of the blogging.

    However, I would definitely keep tabs on both the exercise and food intake as often as possible. They are predictors of the weight and offer explanations that the numbers cannot tell you.

    As for the "in review" posts. Hit them weekly or biweekly. Good to catch your general state of mood, but not critical to the day-to-day.

    Regarding the cows: My informal analysis noticed that there appeared to be a correlation between the amount of cheese consumed (as toppings for burgers, tex-mex, steak sandwiches, etc.) and the overall trend reversal. Since cheese is a dairy product, the only logical conclusion is to blame the cows that produced the milk which begat the cheese. So, we need to eliminate cows and all will be right in the world.

    (Of course, this might also have something to do with the downtrend in cardio exercise coupled with the food under and around the cheese...

    Easier to blame the cows, though.)

    Chin up and keep moving forward toward your overall goal. We've got your back.

    Happy anniversary, and GO CHUCK!
