What This Blog Is All About

I need to be healthier. Badly. Individual efforts have not sufficed, so I'm hoping the support of friends, family, and anyone who happens along this blog can help me along.

For a fuller description of what I'm doing and how people can help, click here to read my first post.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Weigh-In June 5, 2009

349.2 pounds
Incremental Loss: 3.7 pounds
Total Loss: 11.6 pounds

Will probably shift to a MWF weighing schedule now.  Unless I get impatient which is also possible.

Also, for those who know about diabetes, my fasting glucose count is down 52 points.  Not quite normal, but really close.


  1. Charles,

    That is AWESOME!! Hooray on the glucose count!! Keep it up - you can do this...


