What This Blog Is All About

I need to be healthier. Badly. Individual efforts have not sufficed, so I'm hoping the support of friends, family, and anyone who happens along this blog can help me along.

For a fuller description of what I'm doing and how people can help, click here to read my first post.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Week #2 In Review

Pounds Lost: 0.9
Miles Walked: 21
Amount Raised for the Buffaloe Scholarship: $102.70 (total $235.20)

It was the best of weeks, it was the worst of weeks. One really bad day, another I-don't-know-why weight-gain day, but that's still 5 positive days. Exercise is getting easier (thank you for all the great suggestions!).

I've started to have a few times where I'm wanting to eat things not on the list. Not hunger, just wanting. I know I'll need to increase the variety, but I still need to get the blood sugar under control - which it is this morning for the 2nd day out of the last 2 weeks. I do want to try blocking specific things out occasionally to force myself to a little more creativity - this week I'm going to leave out chocolate. One person suggested taking out all the bad stuff for a while, and see if I still like it afterwards. Let's see what happens.

Your generosity continues to astound. I'm up to $18/pound with a $950 bonus for hitting my goal. I also have a $200 bet with my cousin on who loses the highest % of body weight by December 31. Naturally I set the starting weight on Thursday, so technically I'm now at -1.3%. Hopefully she appreciates the lead I'm spotting her.


  1. Great! Just keep it up! I have a talk with myself on days when I don't want to do any activity. I say to myself, "You can do only 10 minutes and then after that if you want to quit you can." You now, I have never quit once I am already going. It is just a matter of getting over the initial hump and psyching yourself out.

  2. I totally agree! A lot of times the biggest motivators are simply feeling that first drop of sweat or knowing that you've pushed past a certain time (even 10 minutes). After you get going, your body naturally wants to continue doing a wee bit more...

  3. Oh! I would hate to see you give up CHOCOLATE! Dark chocolate (> 70%) has some wonderful medicinal qualities (anti-oxidants and what not). Not to mention that the higher the percentage, the lower sugar and fat content. I always start my morning with 1oz (two-fingers width) of a dark chocolate bar -- it's kind of a reward for waking up and tackling a new day of exercise and (ugh) work. (in that respect, you could even save it as an evening treat)

  4. Chocolate will never be removed completely. I just want to see what I can do without for a week. I'd already had pretty much no potatoes since I started this - chocolate seemed like a logical next candidate. Rice might be next.
